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Submitted by HansAm on Sat, 06/04/2005 - 06:19

The search-thingie seems to be out of order so i hope I'm not repeating anything. Anyways.

I trie to deside what A/D D/A converter to buy.

The Terratec Phase 88 seems more atractive than the M-audio converter, and it has two mic preamp-amps in it to. But the M-Audio converter is Pro Tools compatible!

What are your views on this?
Any experience with the two different converters?





HansAm wrote: The search-thingie seems to be out of order so i hope im not repeating anything. Anyways.

I trie to deside what A/D D/A converter to buy.

The Terratec Phase 88 seems more atractive than the M-audio converter, and it has two mic pre-amps in it to. But the M-Audio converter is ProTools compatible!

What are your views on this?
Any experience with the two different converters?

Terratec Phase doesn't have any mic preamps, only 8 unbalanced RCA in/outs.
IMO that card isn't worth the price, it doesn't sound very good compared to others. I didn't have the chance to use M audio Delta but I got myself EMU 1820M. Once you configure and tweak the system (it wasn't easy in my case) EMU does some serious butt kicking. Phase 88 is nowhere near, and the price is similar.

Mon, 06/06/2005 - 09:34 Permalink