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major studio problem! help!

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Submitted by anonymous on

i just rewired my studio and i have a mojor problem.. when i pull up a stereo mix either with pro tools or on a CD and run it through my board or even just with the outputs of pro tools to the speakers one speaker sounds like it has a high pass filter on it and the other sounds like it has a low pass filter on it. it sounds like one speaker is playing the full mono mix even though its panned hard right and the other is playing just the side of the mix that it should be playing. (does that make sense) I'm not sure what could have caused this but i have tried routing around each piece of gear and it still does it. i tried both pairs of speakers through all the different routes and no change.

anyone with any info on this will be a huge help..

i have never had this problem before and i know the mixes that I'm using to check the system on are done correct (tony sheperd mixed them)...

i tried to narrow it down and i cant seem to find out where its coming from.. i tried all the obvious stuff..any ideas that are more tech that i might not know of?



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When you say you "tried both pairs of speakers through all the different routes", I assume this means that you are listening through your console's monitoring matrix, correct?

Maybe you should start eliminating possible culprits one at a time. What happens if you temporarily unplug your console, and connect the output of your CD player directly into your monitor amp (after turning down the monitor volume to an appropriate level, of course)?

If you are still hearing this anomaly directly from the CD output, with nothing else connected, then maybe your speakers are wired incorrectly. (It almost sounds like a phase problem... have you tried reversing the polarity of your speaker leads on one side?)

Can you describe in more detail how your speakers and monitor amp are wired? Is there a crossover? Subwoofer? Balanced or unbalanced? More details about your system would be a help.

Good luck.

Wed, 12/12/2001 - 18:22 Permalink
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i narrowed it down to this....

its not my gear... i have tested everything and nothing makes a difference. i even went right out of my keyboard to the krks and that didnt work.

i then took my ns10's down to my home stereo and they did it there and took my home speakers to the studio and they did it.

could this be a phase problem with the electricity in my house? i just started having this problem 2 days ago and cant find any other reason that all the speakers in my house now act like this????

it is always the right speaker that is sounding funny even if i reverse the cables its the right speaker on all of them. if i pan the right speaker signal to the left it sounds fine...

so i guess i either blew out every right speaker in my house (not a chance) or it must be something electrical. any ideas how i can check this before spending all the money for a huge power conditioner???

thanks to everyone for there help on this....

Thu, 12/13/2001 - 00:40 Permalink
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This might be the puzzler of the year. If I understand you correctly, no matter what speakers you use, and no matter which room of you r house, and no matter which system you play through - the right speaker always sounds wrong?

Only one thing I can think of - and I'm not being sarcastic. You could be having a physical problem with your right ear - could be wax blockage or something more serious. Have you tried listening with your back facing the speakers just to check that possibility? I know it sounds like I'm being flip, but I can't account for it any other way. You didn't mention if you've tried listening to anything in someone else's space to see if you are getting the same phenomenon. If you are, it's gotta be the ears.

Thu, 12/13/2001 - 07:30 Permalink
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i have tried everything. i also had a few other people listen and they heard the same thing. it is very noticable. the right speaker sounds out of phase and has way to much bass.

im almost positive that it is the power. i tried listening on a portable radio/cd player and if i use the batteries it sounds fine when i plug it into the wall the problem comes back.

im having a guy come out to the syudio today to check the power and check what it might be doing to the phase of my speakers. ill post up what he says and if it fixes it.

thanks to everyone for all the advice....

Thu, 12/13/2001 - 09:20 Permalink
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Pro Tools

.....well I can definately tell you that the phase of your electrical system is not to blame...I don't know where you are located as far as studio and/or house is involved , but i'm betting because you're in america that your system that your monitor amps are plugged into is plain old 120v ac...there can be no phase problem in this system as there is simply no phase to it...if ,however, you have a three phase power system in your building and you are bi(or tri) amping your monitors(which i suspect not) and each amp is plugged into a different phase of the electrical system then you may be encountering some sort of phase looping in the fact that a bass amp will draw more current than a mid or high frequency amp might...if you are in a bi-amped situation i would look to the filter caps or crossovers to determine this leakage...I am a licensed ELECTRICAL GOD ... BTW :cool:

Thu, 12/13/2001 - 20:42 Permalink
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Originally posted by kir2k2:

i just rewired my studio and i have a mojor problem..


It may have already been said, I believe the wiring is to blame. Something tied to ground, where it should not be, or a reversed XLR, pin 1 mistaken for 3, or pin 2 and 3 reversed on a channel. An electrical phase problem, 2 circuits (out of phase) with each other, would create a possible hum problem, but would not cause what you are describing.


Fri, 12/14/2001 - 03:43 Permalink