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Any of you guys still using a mixer, perhaps you can help.

I would like to find some sort of magnetic or adhesive strip I can use on my mixer that I can place mixer tape/scribble strips on. The idea would be to make up a couple of reusable strips that I could easily pull off and on when switching setups around.

I use mixer tape now, but it gets old redoing whats been done since the tape somehow always rips or gets all kinked up when I pull it off. Im thinking like a lightly magnetic nylon strip I can stick mixer tape on and then just store when I'm not using it would be perfect.

There was a company around called that had a similar product, but I believe you could write directly on the strip. I just want something I can stick tape to that can be removed with the tape on it.

Anyone have any suggestions?




RemyRAD Wed, 02/08/2006 - 18:39

Scotch makes a marker tape that is very reminiscent of their Post-it notes, in that it is tacky not sticky and will not leave residue behind. We have frequently done that in the studio and we refer to it as " automation" LOL! We do the same thing at the television station for different shows. We just go behind the rack and grab our choice of " automation" for whatever show we are currently doing! I wouldn't use gaffers tape or duct tape, that's awful! Another good suggestion would be the Scotch blue masking tape, designed for painting purposes. It's different from other masking tape as it is again tacky not sticky!

Don't eat fried chicken while mixing!
Ms. Remy Ann David

flatrat Wed, 02/08/2006 - 23:55

You can get magnetic strip tape at your local home depot. I used a label maker and labeled all the "littlle magnets" and just moved them around where I needed them. But now, I have my CPU monitor in between my studio monitors and I just use a spread sheet to keep track of my tracks. It works awesome and leaves no residue on my O2R.

jdsdj98 Thu, 02/09/2006 - 07:45

To keep things fun, one of my mentors taught me a little trick to play on your colleagues. When he/she leaves the room for a moment, pull their tape, or in this case, magnetic strip, and move it over by one channel. Keeps people on their toes. Probably not as much fun in a studio, but in my world, live TV, it's a lotta fun.


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