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Can anybody give me their opinion of the MOTU 242i digital recording system. I am currently looking at purchasing one via ebay and would like to get the low down from anybody who has actually used one.


zemlin Mon, 09/13/2004 - 04:17

You've got something wrong in the model number. I'll assume you're talking about the MOTU 24i.

It's what I use. No complaints from me. Some folks with some non-Intel chipsets have had troubles with MOTU hardware, but it isn't a universal thing. I've had mine in several computers, one of them a VIA-based motherboard and have not had troubles.

The older MOTU converters are reportedly not the best - until I get something better I will not be able to comment on that aspect of the unit.

I have been able to record 24 tracks (in a test setup) for hours at a time with no glitches or synch problems. I also use it for multitrack sessions and have no latency issues.


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