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mouse ran into the bass port of my tannoy 601's.

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Submitted by concreteblue on Tue, 11/22/2011 - 21:27

Hello - can anyone tell me if it will harm my monitors if there is a mouse inside? I saw one run into the bass port of my tannoy 601. I turned the music up real loud...he still hasn't come out...picked up the speaker and shook it dice...any suggestions?



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If you shake it, you'd think the mouse would bounce around enough to feel it in there. maybe its gone. I suppose it could chew wire and stink it up over time. If its in there, you need to get it out. That's about all I can tell you. Mouse traps work great.The Victors work great; The snap type are the best. They cost about $5 for a 3 pack.


Good luck.

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Wed, 11/23/2011 - 00:36 Permalink
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Yes he could potentially do some damage, rodents chew on things. There may also be residual damage from 'droppings', or a stash of food he's found.

I found evidence one had moved into the back of my JBL bookshelf speakers a couple years ago. He didn't do any permanent damage, but left about a tablespoon of tiny seeds in there.

Screwdriver to remove woofer, shop-vac to sweep out all the stuff he left behind.

Wed, 11/23/2011 - 00:46 Permalink