I am getting really tired of having 50 million cables running all over my studio...
But since this is a home project studio, I do not have any permanently installed cabling, although I am considering it as an option.
Right now, what I would like to do is to build a small 8-channel snake for the drum kit to run from one end of my studio to my recording desk (about 27 feet). I would then have just a single large-diameter cable stretched across the length of the room.
Mogami makes some pretty good looking oxygen-free multipair cable that I can get for about US$2.20 a foot (8 channel). I am guessing that it is most likely 28 gauge wire.
Am I going to lose signal quality by going with this multi-pair cable rather then the nice high-quality cables that I so pain-stakenly soldered?
There has to be a better way then to have this spaghetti mess that everyone is tripping over.
I am also making a headphone snake, but I am not as concerned about that...
Comments? Thanks!
You shouldn't loose any signal quality. Most major studios are
You shouldn't loose any signal quality. Most major studios are wired this way (with a snake) and the multipair stuff is usually 24 or 25 gauge. I like the Belden stuff, but Mogami is fine as well. All the wiring I've ever done for runs is multipair. I've wired the last 2 studios I've ran and worked in. Just be prepared to get that soldering iron hot and spending some quality time with it. ;-)
On other thing you should do, after all your wiring is done, is to get a multitester and check to make sure that you did wire everything correctly and that there isn't any crosstalk between wires.