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I've decided, for a number of reasons, that using a PC for recording is not for me, though I may use one for editing and mixing songs with more than 16 tracks.

I'm looking at buying a second hand recorder.

These are the ones I'm looking at:

Yamaha AW4416
Yamaha AW2400
Tascam SX-1
Akai DPS24
Roland VS 2480
Korg D32XD

I have some reservations about each unit, but was wondering if anyone has particular experience that might help me decide which is best for me.

I like the SX-1 but I a concerned about the cost if in 6-18 months time something goes wrong with the unit. If something stops working on it or it develops a fault, will I be able to get it repaired?

I had heard that you can still get the Yamaha units repaired if they develop a fault. The AW4416 looks like a capable unit?

The Roland unit looks capable too but again have some concerns - don't they use some sort of proprietry system for data storage?

Pre's are something to consider too - which unit do you think has the best pre's?

I'm interested in any views or experience highlighting where a unit excels or how they compare in the real world.

Any help appreciated as I'm torn between them!



TheJackAttack Sat, 12/11/2010 - 11:28

First. Don't purchase something that is no longer manufactured unless it has a proven lifespan greater than you might need (the Alesis HD24XR for instance is pretty darn sturdy). I don't think very highly of most of this type of gear but that is a personal bias so take it for what it is.

I think if your main concern is minimal hassle of getting tracks on "tape" then you should look at a JoeCo box. It records with no latency to a USB drive which then just plugs into your computer for editing. Finding a good multi track option new is more difficult than one might expect. Nothing has filled the gap left by the Alesis HD24 or Mackie HDR/SDR recorders. All the "inexpensive" options are flash recorders that record 2-8 tracks which would be fine except many of them have unremarkable analog circuitry.


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