Submitted by mixfactory
on Sun, 04/22/2001 - 14:15
Anybody have any information on the 2264X compressors? I own 2264's and 32264a's, and I saw some for sale, and was wondering has anyone ever used them. How do they compare to the other two. THANKS.
2264's and 32264a's are pretty much the same beast with a different color face plate. If I remember right, the "x" units have a 'de-ess' function as well as all the regular functions of a 2264
2264's and 32264a's are pretty much the same beast with a differ
2264's and 32264a's are pretty much the same beast with a different color face plate. If I remember right, the "x" units have a 'de-ess' function as well as all the regular functions of a 2264