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new to recording

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Submitted by anonymous on

Since I'm new to home recording, obviously I have questions about sample rate, record format, and micing. My primary instrument is drums...I know, what a chore! It seems the consensus is 24 bit (since my Firestudio Project supports it) at 44.1. Any recommendations?

As far a Micing overheads, is the XY configuration better than the 3 to 1 technique? And the kick...most research states put the mic about 2/3 the way into the bass drum. When I mic at the hole, it seems muddy and shallow.

I know your ears ultimately dictate most recording settings, mic placement, etc, but just looking for tips and recommendations.


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Welcome to recording. Its a long learning adventure, but a lot of fun.

I think its best if you work at 24bit and 44.1K sample rate.

When it comes to recording drums, that is a much tougher question and far more than one post will answer, but the good news is that if you tune and play the drums right, the recording part is pretty easy.

Tue, 04/21/2009 - 22:21 Permalink
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Another vote for 24 bits 44.1 KHz.

Do a search on Kick drum micing. My experience is that if the drum is properly tuned and damped every reasonable sounds pretty good. If not, every mic position sounds like crap. I put my kick mic inside the drum 2-3" from the batter head slightly off the axis of the point of contact of the beater. But as I said, this varies all over the map.

On overheads, placement depends a lot on the room and how many other mics you are using. XY is good. A straight A/B or Left/Right works if you have at least kick and snare miced. Check out Recorderman if you want to use just two mics . Try Glyn Johns if you want to use a single overhead. Again, there are a lot of posts about this

Note: I'm not sure what you mean by 3-1. A drum set is too narrow and deep to properly have the distance between the mics three times the distance to the loudest sources.

Ronan- The shows are very well done. Nice job with the video. Loved the Sound City Studio A clips. In the show on choosing a first microphone I thought you did a really good job of describing how a cheap condenser can seem attractive at first but wind up hurting a final mix after harshness builds up on multiple tracks and is emphasized by compression. Well said.

Wed, 04/22/2009 - 06:11 Permalink