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P & D (pressing distribution) deal - Anyone have any info?

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Submitted by anonymous on

In a recent read of one of my favorite magazines, i noticed that one producer mentioned what a P&D deal means. He says that :

"P&D stands for pressing and distribution, under this new deal, a new artist who wants to start a label can get thier records pressed up for free, and then have them distributed to all the shops" he then mentions..

"The P&D bosses then recoups all the distribution and pressing costs, a profit on top, and gives the rest to the artist"


The magazine was a UK based magazine, and I'm wondering how accessable this is to people? In my case; me. This sounds like somthing i am intrested in. However I'm unaware of all the details, so does anyone have any links or info realted to this topic?


Tony B.


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Yep, it's true. Sounds nice, doesn't it? It's good for small labels just starting out, because you don't have to be sitting on a giant nest egg to get your stuff out there - and you can generally keep the releases flowing and on time. The distributor takes care of all the manufacturing for you, and then sends some money your way (usually splitting the profits) - the problem with P&Ds for me at least is that the distributor can began to act like a record label boss - telling you to replace tracks on the album, or telling you to re-do the art, etc..etc.. they have a big monetary stake in the project, so they are going to throw in their 2c, also, you have very little say in the manufacturing itself - where to do the mastering, which plant to use, printing, etc... Of course, not all distributors are like this with P&Ds, but it's to be expected.

Also, don't count on getting a P&D right off the bat if you've never had a record out before, and the artists on your label are unknown. P&D's usually happen for the already established, or people who simply have amazing, mind blowing music that the distributor believes in.

P&D's can also hurt you in the long run. They go hand in hand with exclusivity, and if you start selling a ton of records you might realize that you could be making more elsewhere with another distributor, or that you'd be making more profit if you were paying for your own manufacturing - you have to weigh what you really want to do with your label in the long run.

just my 2c.

Mon, 11/22/2004 - 17:09 Permalink