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Hi there,

I have posted a few times trying to get my mac to work and know i'm ready to toss it out the window! I have two computers and I'm looking for a temporary solution to get my studio up and running untill I can upgrade to a power book or dual g4 with my digi 001 or buy a digi 002.

I have:

PC p3 733 chip, 380 meg pc 100 ram(with two open slots),dvdr+,win 98 or xp

mac 9600/300 pre g3, a non-mac ge axcelerated chip(and the original chip), 384 meg ram (w/ 6 or 8 siots open), 1 10 gig scisi(running os 9.1), scsi card runing 2 17 gig ide drives(one for Pro Tools, and the other for write only for Pro Tools),

digi 001 (w/ both mac and pc disk for Pro Tools)

ADAT 20 bit TRS (only for light pipe in/outs)

Because the mac has a non-mac chip in it now, I can not upgrade to os 9.2.2, but I have the original chip I can put back in.

What do I do?
Use mac as is and fight with it (it worked fine for 6 or so sessions, then I used a cracked plugin and all hell broke lose).
Put the slower mac chip in so I can upgrade to os 9.2.2.?
Sell the mac and use the money for pc parts and a new mac?
If any one knows if mac made a G3 chip for the pre g3 computer (where do i get one what is it called and how much are they)?

Other Questions.

Of the three ways listed above how many tracks do you think I can run at one time?

Of the three ways listed above can I still use my ADAT for more in/out(will the old mac chip or pc be able to handle the load)?

If I use the pc does Pro Tools offer a download to use xp or do I stick with 98?

By the way, the post is; Error 9073! Can't get audio from drive fast enough. HELP!
