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PC user looking for the capabilities of Garageband

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 12/25/2007 - 20:24

For christmas i received a brand new lap top. i was hoping for a Macbook pro so that i could dable with garageband. none the less the macs were too expensive, and i ended up receiving a nice PC. the most appealing aspect of garageband is that it enables the user to use the function "musical typing", which allows you to use your key board as a midi controller. i have done some research and discovered a few programs that are similar to GB for Pc, but i can't tell if they are capable of this musical typing. they are:

Streinberg's Sequel
Apelton's Live 6
M-Audio's Session

i downloaded live 6 and sequel. sequel had a very difficult interface, and didn't appear to have the ability to do the musical typing. live 6 seemed to have the ability but the demo didn't come with a library of midi sounds so i wasn't able to explore it.

My question is whether there is a program available for pc that allows me to use the keyboard as a midi controller so that i don't need an external controller. i'm only looking to create drum beats. is there such a program?

