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Producer - Artist Spec agreements

Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 04/12/2005 - 12:01

Hello all,
I have been producing and recording some artists and I was wondering if there is some kind of alternative to finding a lawyer to draw up a contract to protect my interest in these recordings. Basically, is there anywhere I can find a sample contract that I can edit and use instead of shelling out a couple hundred on a lawyer? I'm basically trying to obtain a producer - artist joint venture agreement.


Hey CasJams:

If you really want a sample contract I have a few examples of some that I would be willing to e-mail to you if you would like. It all depends on what you want to do. I have a contract that I use for development purposes, one that I use for full blown demo puposes, one that I use for a one-song only producer purpose, and about thirty others. Let me know if you woulld like for me to e-mail them to you, all you have to do is provide an address, just send me a private message. I am a legal assistant so I would definitely advise taking them to an atorney to at least look them over. I drafted all of the contracts myself so feel free to look them over. Let me know. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than paying an attorney or paying someone online.

Mon, 04/18/2005 - 21:56 Permalink

looking for Producera free Artist Development Contract

Hey big trey . Name is Damon ,new to this site, it seems great . I was wondering if you can send me a Producer Artist Development Contract . My Girlfriend is in law school. and I am trying to push her to getting into Entertainment law . I presently cant afford to pay to down-load this type of contract .I read above that you offerd to send one to another member so I said what the hell !Please help me . my patner and I are working on a developmental prodgect and need this badly . I know as soon as we cut this track , there will be all kind of sharks circleing . I just wanna protect my self. And it will be great fun for my Girlfriend who is just completing her first year at New england School of Law. Thanks D

Sat, 05/07/2005 - 10:10 Permalink

no home brew contract is worth the piece of paper it's written on basically. If you or someone signs something like this, and later they or you have a disagreement over it..whomever gets a truly proficient lawyer will probably come out on top..depending on the particulars. If you are involved in something that you truly believe has financial potential, then you'll find a way to raise the money to interest a competent attorney. If the project is undeniable, you may find someone that will work on back end only. But you have to have the goods.

Fri, 05/27/2005 - 16:34 Permalink

RecorderMan – I think the key words in your post are “competent attorney”. In every contract dispute someone loses, regardless of how much each side paid for their attorney. Sometimes you can do a lot better by downloading a time-tested contract document from the internet (assuming you can find one) than you can by paying some incompetent attorney to look one up in his “Contracts for Dummies” work book, retyping it, adding the names of the parties, and charging you two or three hundred dollars for it. But, I’d say you are totally correct IF you can find a good, competent, attorney that specializes in the area of interest.

Joe Crawford
Stony Mountain Studio
Shanks, WV 26761

Sat, 05/28/2005 - 08:34 Permalink