Could somebody elaborate on what the deal is when you boost and cut the same freq on a pultec!
What happens technically and can you do this on any passive eq?
maybe someone else can verify this but I heard that if you both boost and cut at 100hz the cut frequency actually changes to somewhere closer to about 400 hz right where all that woof is on a kick.
that's just what i ended up using it for last weekend. that makes a lot of sense- the low midrange just sorta "pulls back". i'd like to know what goes on inside. there's not much out there concerning Pulse Technologies and who did what, etc. seems to be plenty about Putnam, Universal Audio, Rupert Neve, the people, technology and ideas behind the gear but nothing concerning the Pultec!?!?!
maybe someone else can verify this but I heard that if you both
maybe someone else can verify this but I heard that if you both boost and cut at 100hz the cut frequency actually changes to somewhere closer to about 400 hz right where all that woof is on a kick.
whoa! that's just what i ended up using it for last weekend. th
that's just what i ended up using it for last weekend. that makes a lot of sense- the low midrange just sorta "pulls back". i'd like to know what goes on inside. there's not much out there concerning Pulse Technologies and who did what, etc. seems to be plenty about Putnam, Universal Audio, Rupert Neve, the people, technology and ideas behind the gear but nothing concerning the Pultec!?!?!
search the pro audio forums. you will find answers.
search the pro audio forums. you will find answers.