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Submitted by sneak on Wed, 06/09/2004 - 02:04


What tricks do you guys use to get the sound of instruments real punchy?
I use saturation ( plugins) and mixdown to tape recorder to get that effect more, for example.




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"What tricks do you guys use to get the sound of instruments real punchy?"

I keep them awake for 24-hours watching "QVC" That'll make anyone punchy.

I agree, theoretically, that punch is the opposite of compression, but if you are using a compressor to sustain the attack of a sound that normally diminishes pretty rapidly, like a bass or guitar, then it is giving more "punch" to it.

Bringing out the low end of the kick and matching it up with the bass like they are one instrument might add some punch.

Wed, 06/09/2004 - 07:48 Permalink
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No gear, no matter how good it is, can actually improve a sound.. it all degrades the audio in one way or another.. It changes the sound but the quality never gets better.

Punch (my definition of it) comes from performance and the inital sound that is to be recorded.. I don't think there is a way to "impart" punch to something that doesn't already have it .. you can only try to preserve what punch there is by doing as little to the signal as possible and with correct mic placment and choice..

IMO, overuse of compression is the biggest sin in audio being practiced these days ...

Wed, 06/09/2004 - 10:52 Permalink
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Hurray for Kurt! Less is always more, and fixing it in the mix means something's broken. I'm getting ready to mix a track where the drummer went light on the kick drum for a section, and no amount of gear is going to make it match up punchwise with the rest of the kick track. I'm tempted to ask him to bring his kick back over and retrack before mixing.

Wed, 06/09/2004 - 11:33 Permalink
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Cedar Flat Fats wrote: No gear, no matter how good it is, can actually improve a sound.. it all degrades the audio in one way or another.. It changes the sound but the quality never gets better.

Punch (my definition of it) comes from performance and the inital sound that is to be recorded.. I don't think there is a way to "impart" punch to something that doesn't already have it .. you can only try to preserve what punch there is by doing as little to the signal as possible and with correct mic placment and choice..

IMO, overuse of compression is the biggest sin in audio being practiced these days ...

It's not that simple. Som genres call for more compression than others.

There are many kinds of punchy. For ROCK music, I use a lot of compression in order to make it sound "punchy". With jazz, I use almost no compression to make it sound punchy.

But in general, the punch has to be there PRE mix. I love it when I'm sitting in my studio listening to something, with all faders in unity, and no plug-ins loaded, and I can allready hear the mix punching!!

Thu, 06/10/2004 - 02:58 Permalink
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hey guys,

to help this issue even further, it would be great if more musicians would actualy take the time to record themselves at home on little 4 tracks so they can actualy hear what their playing sounds like before they step into the studio. Its amazing how many muso's step into a studio and have never heard themselves playing before, If they did, they would learn a lot, and save us a lot of time and heartache!!!


Sat, 06/26/2004 - 09:08 Permalink