Hey all,
Need some advice quick on this project - due in 1 week.
I am mixing a band that does a lot of songs with 3 heavy dist. guitars plus bass. all players like that deep fat sound, lead tends to be fuzzy.
I am trying to get a mix that does kill your ear drums with mids (not to mention annoy you to the point of turning it off), has clarity and "space" butthat still sounds full and rich.
Any tips/tricks with 3 dist. guitars. I have tried eq but can"t get the results I want there either - it tend to change tone too much (i know dist. guitars are sensitive to eq changes) but maybe I'm going about that end wrong.
I have tried delays (haas trick), reversing phase, eq etc and am going around in circles. ANY advice woyld be helpful!
Matt in GA
if the 3 dist guitars are all in the same EQ space then things g
if the 3 dist guitars are all in the same EQ space then things get difficult
you either change the delivery and re-record one of them
change the method and tone of playing
that's orchestration
or you will just have to give up some EQ space for each to exist
try an automated EQ so that each gets to lead or be up front
when you want it to
rather than EQ think Filter
remove some space for the other guitars to fit in
group the guitars to a sub group and put a limiter/comp to keep total guitar noise at a constant level ... this may help to give that IN YOUR FACE sound
it's not easy to keep everyone happy
good luck