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I have a session coming up and it is the biggest one I've had so far. My big problem is that I am using only the 4 buses off my mixer into my computer but the band Im recording wants to do everything live, without overdubs. this would be fine if it was a smaller band but I need to mic drums (4 mics) a keyboard, guitar, bass, and vocals. I was wondering how i should go about it. I was hoping to have one track only for vocals and then split up the other 3 with the other tuff. I was thinkin maybe a the drums and bass to bus 1-2 and keyboard and guitar to bus 3 and vocal to bus 4. also, I might be able to get a stereo compressors. what would it be best used on. the session is this friday so any input would be great


Kurt Foster Tue, 03/25/2003 - 09:08

Then you are essentially stuck with doing a 4 track recording. Given this set of circumstances, I would use a technique that is called, "Stereo Plus". Mix Drums and instruments to 2 tracks. Bass goes to track 3 and the vocals go to track 4. You will have to add any reverb or compression to the drums or instruments as you record. I have achieved good recordings doing this, but it has been quite a long time since I have recorded this way. As I said, it's an old "4 trackers" technique. .... Kurt

anonymous Tue, 03/25/2003 - 16:29

My board is an original studiomaster board. Talk about great bang for the buck. I got my board for 400 dollars. some of the pots are a little crackly. I was wondering how i could fix that. I will probably only have access to one stereo compressor and one reverb unit. which do you think would benifit the most from those.
Thanks guys

Kurt Foster Tue, 03/25/2003 - 17:50

I would use the comp on the keys and the guitar going in. Run the reverb through a send and to the bus' your using for the stereo drum / instrument mix. Take care to get your balances right before you record. At mix you can apply the compressor on the vocals and the bass. Double miles out of what you have. Kurt


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