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Recording a speech.

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Submitted by Koo on Mon, 03/17/2014 - 10:45

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I don't have any knowledge on voice recording. We're currently recording a speech on a weekly basis, where the person delivering the speech is about 50cm away from the microphone and sometimes turning his head slightly away from the microphone.
We are currently using a mobile phone (LOL) to record the speech, but we're looking for better recording quality. We don't have a lot of space available for preamps etc.
With the mobile phone you can hear background noise and people coughing and as well as when the person delivering the speech touching the podium.
Any idea what I can buy to get better quality?
If I can even get a microphone that plugs into the mobile phone, that will give me better quality recording, will be good enough.


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You don't say what type of phone you have, but if it's an iPhone (or even an iPad), then [=""]this [/]="http://www.rodemic…"]this [/]Rode plug-on mic gives excellent quality recording. If it's not an Apple phone but nevertheless has a microphone jack for plugging in an external mic, then [[url=http://="http://www.rodemic…"]this [/]="http://www.rodemic…"]this [/]type should work. Ignore the crazy name SmartLav, since, as far as I am aware, it has no connection with auto-flushers.

Rode is not the only manufacturer of add-on mics for smartphones, but their products do give a sound quality better than most other makes in this price range. I would steer clear of the cheapo external phone mics from Ebay.

Mon, 03/17/2014 - 11:34 Permalink