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Royer active vs. . passive, whats the difference?

Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 02/08/2002 - 23:52

I'm thinking about buying a Royer and a nice quiet pre to match but can't decide between the active phantom powered model or the passive model. Is there any differnce in sound between the two? I'd like to be able to use the Royer with more than just the best mic preamp for artistic purposes.


Originally posted by try2break:
I'd like to be able to use the royer with more than just the best mic pre for artistic purposes.

I'm not sure I understand this statement :roll: ... when the microphone is released, which should be damn near any day now, it will be called the R-122 not the 121A... small semantic difference but one to be noted anyway.

Sonically, besides having a higher output, and being a tad less susceptible to issues of 'loading', the 122 has a slightly more focused top and bottom than the 121. I think you will find that the two actually work very nicely together, and will actually work in different applications.

Hope this helps in some small way....

Mon, 02/11/2002 - 04:17 Permalink