i need more OUTs/INs for my MOTU 828mk II.
so i wanna buy an analog-to-ADAT- and ADAT-to-analog-converter (each 8 channels)!
somebody told me the RME ADI-8 PRO is a good choice. is it?
are there other alternatives? maybe cheaper with the same quality ;-)
THANX in advance for your tips!
Check the Behringer ADA8000. For the price it is unbeatable. Gu
Check the Behringer ADA8000. For the price it is unbeatable.
if the converters are worse than MOTUs' than i don't want this u
if the converters are worse than MOTUs' than i don't want this unit. the converters should be equal or better to the 828s' !
somebody told me i can use the RME multiface as stand-alone-converter....!? could this be true...........................!?!?
Alesis AI3 is a surprisingly decent 8 channel converter for abou
Alesis AI3 is a surprisingly decent 8 channel converter for about $400.
Most converters that use the ADAT protocol, are all using identical a-d/d-a chips made by Alesis, regardless of who the manufacturer is. In the case of ADAT converters, there really isn't much difference in the most expensive and the most affordable unless they are from Apogee or other high end manufacturers where superior analog circuitry and digital clocks are employed.
YES! The Multiface can be used in "Disconnect mode", and it can
YES! The Multiface can be used in "Disconnect mode", and it can operate as a standalone AD/DA converter! I believe you just need the current Multiface Driver to allow "Disconnect" mode (you have to have the Multiface hooked up to the PC to initiate "Disconnect" mode, and you will need a power supply for it to operate while disconnected from the RME HDSP PCI card).
I also have the ADI-8 Pro, and I got it used for $550!!! :eek: . For that price (Retailed at $1700), I am a very happy camper :wink: . I can't compare the ADI-8 to Apogee or Lavry (I wish I could), but I'm surely happy with it for now. FWIW - I am very satisfied with the Multiface + ADI-8 Pro combo. Totalmix and the rock-solid & efficient RME drivers are the bomb IMO...
I use the Ai3 and the ADA8000 these guys , on paper, have some
I use the Ai3 and the ADA8000
these guys , on paper, have some things that look pretty cool
look for an older, cheaper model that also has the 8 channels and had the ADAT I/O
Kurt Foster wrote: Alesis AI3 is a surprisingly decent 8 channel
:shock: Now I know you're off your rocker you old ear crusted bafoon! :lol: decent converters my ass. Hee Hee
Yup...and the clock circuitry on the Alesis units are terrible
RME is a great unit to go for. Great sound and great driver/product reliabilty as well which is a huge factor when purchasing equipment.
but I don't use the clock circuitry on the Alesis unit it alway
but I don't use the clock circuitry on the Alesis unit
it always slaves from the main system
if you are looking for ultra quality... then don't use the Lightpipe and stick with AES-EBU
you get what you pay for
I was faced with this problem and ended up getting a second 828.
I was faced with this problem and ended up getting a second 828.