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If this is the song you wish to mix, please post your preferred format below. This song has 31 tracks total, and is currently on Pro TOols 24bit/48khz

I appologize for the second sign-up, but giving a choice of mix was not the original plan. Please only sign-up for ONE mix.



Mixerman Fri, 09/07/2001 - 08:10

Here's the list of participants for She's the Man

tubedude~ .wav
Mark Planke~ .wav
Arne Holm~ .wav
Microphoneman~ SDII files
MMazurek~ SDII files
bgroup~ SDII files
Matthias~ PT 24/48
McSnare~ PT 24/48
bportzer~ PT 24/48
Anel Paz~ PT 24/48
Mixerman~ PT 24/48
Lenz~ Logic Audio

12 total. I'll be getting these files to bportzer by early next week for distribution to the participants.

What format do I need to have made for Logic Audio? Would that be an SDII file?


anonymous Mon, 09/10/2001 - 23:06

In an effort to see who needs CDs mailed to them, and who can download these files, I made the following list.
A name with "DL" next to it means that person has responded here saying they are able to download the file. A "CD" next to the name means that I am assuming those persons will need to have discs mailed to them, as they haven't said otherwise.

Please confirm with me how you would like to handle the delivery of these files. You can email me at: and give me the info I will need to mail you the discs.

I will post the FTP information here as soon as it is all set up.

Thanks guys,


DL- Matthias~ PT 24/48
DL- Mark Planke~ .wav
DL- Arne Holm~ .wav
DL- Anel Paz~ PT 24/48
DL- Lenz~ Logic Audio

CD- tubedude~ .wav
CD- Microphoneman~ SDII files
CD- MMazurek~ SDII files
CD- bgroup~ SDII files
CD- McSnare~ PT 24/48

N/A bportzer~ PT 24/48
N/A Mixerman~ PT 24/48

anonymous Sun, 09/23/2001 - 22:51

Okay, I have received the cds from Evan, and I am currently uploading files to the server. The address will be:

The PT24/48 session is a StuffIt file, and I am currently zipping the .WAV files for upload.

The PT files are significantly smaller than the WAV files, the PT set being 370MB (on my drive, anyway, will vary) and the .WAV set being a total of 885MB...

I was provided both the original protools files, and a set of copies in .WAV format... One possible snag, however... If you for some reason CAN'T use the .WAV files, you need SDII files and AREN'T using protools, there could be problems. Don't know if this is an issue for anyone... Logic people using mac, perhaps? Things are looped, and cut a bit in this session, and just loading the SDII files into another program won't do it for ya. When the PT session was converted into .WAV files, they were all bounced from the beginning of the song on out. That way, you just bring the tracks into your DAW, and go... That is why the .WAV fileset is so much bigger.

Anyway, these things should be up there in a few hours, and I will set up the download page in the morning.

I will also be burning the cds tomorrow, and getting them sent out. I've only heard from a few people, and while most of you are going to be downloading these files, make sure you've sent me your mailing information, if you need cds sent to you!

Let me know if anyone has a question about any of this. You don't wanna download or get mailed files you can't use, so if you think there might be a problem, contact me!


anonymous Mon, 09/24/2001 - 01:34

If you for some reason CAN'T use the .WAV files, you need SDII files and AREN'T using protools, there could be problems. Don't know if this is an issue for anyone... Logic people using mac, perhaps? Things are looped, and cut a bit in this session, and just loading the SDII files into another program won't do it for ya. When the PT session was converted into .WAV files, they were all bounced from the beginning of the song on out. That way, you just bring the tracks into your DAW, and go... That is why the .WAV fileset is so much bigger.
A way for non-ProTools mixers to benefit from the "small" PT download would be to do the following:
- download ProToolsFree from digidesign
- download the [[url=http://[/URL]="http://download.dig…"]Track Transfer Utility[/]="http://download.dig…"]Track Transfer Utility[/]
- create a couple of empty sessions with ProTools
- transfer the big 31Tk session to those sessions in chunks of 8Tk
- bounce (render) the tracks to .WAV or whatever files
- and import them into your DAW

That should work, I guess...



anonymous Mon, 09/24/2001 - 09:12

Actually, as an update, after I zip'd the .WAVs and uploaded them, they aren't that big anymore... I divided them into 4 parts, and they are:
Pt1 - 99MB
Pt2 - 107MB
Pt3 -130MB
Pt4 - 143MB

So, it's really not the much more to download, but when I copied them from the cd onto my drive, it did indeed total 885MB.


RNorman Tue, 10/02/2001 - 06:50

Downloaded the .wav files yesterday. Three files didn't extract because of CRCs, but I managed to mix it without them, so what's the scoop on where/how we send in the mixes.

I was originally going to mix UFO but I never saw a place to download the files, so this one worked out well anyway. I hadn't heard it before I started mixing it.

RNorman Wed, 10/03/2001 - 03:52

Originally posted by Arne Holm:
Roger, we are working on uploading the files with Aaron Carey to my ftp. There seems to be a problem in uploading two files and we are trying to find a workaround. I am pretty confident that if everything goes right we have them all up within 24 hours.


Cool. Don't know what happened with the zip files and crc errors on three extracts, but even without having heard the song or those extra files I had a great time mixing the song yesterday.

We need a URL list in one message that has all the songs. I'd like to hear the original of She's a Man, but I don't really feel like going through pages of posts to find it.

Also, since I've been working on the compilation CD I haven't been on top of this like I'd like. What's the deal on where we send the finished mixes to, is there going to be a product and are detailed mixing notes needed. Mine fell together pretty quickly without having listened to the original, but I'd still have to go back and read out the edl to see what plugins I used, compression settings, etc.


(An hour later)

Well, got She's The Man and all I can say is I missed more than the three I had CRC errors on, so definitely, when you get the URL up, please let me know.

k.w.blackwell Wed, 10/03/2001 - 13:19

Originally posted by RNorman:

We need a URL list in one message that has all the songs. I'd like to hear the original of She's a Man, but I don't really feel like going through pages of posts to find it.

If I've learned anything from this forum (and I've learned a lot), I've certainly learned that it is a bad idea to keep starting new threads to discuss essentially the same topic. Wading through all the MixFest2001 threads is a nightmare. To help with this, I've been putting together an index/reference article to post, but I haven't gotten it up yet. All the formatting, links, etc., are going to be a pain since I can't figure out how to use raw HTML. Anyway, if I get it up, I'll title it "Mix Fest 2001 Information Index".

Ideally, the individual pointmen would do this, but they're already pretty booked. So this will be my meager contribution.

Also, since I've been working on the compilation CD I haven't been on top of this like I'd like. What's the deal on where we send the finished mixes to, is there going to be a product and are detailed mixing notes needed. Mine fell together pretty quickly without having listened to the original, but I'd still have to go back and read out the edl to see what plugins I used, compression settings, etc.

I've seen nothing about this yet. Presumably, you should at least go ahead and send your final mix on a well-marked data CD-R to the pointman for your song. Since this has been organized as we go so far, I imagine we will soon need to start taking orders for the various final compilation CD's, and I'll bet we'll have too many entries to fit the whole MixFest on one CD. Maybe we should ask for a volunteer to collect all the mixes and compile them into a minimum number of final CD's to be replicated and distributed. I think it will be important to get all the mixes out to everybody in order to foster the kind of discussion we want. I shouldn't volunteer due to my gear limitations.

Mixerman Tue, 10/09/2001 - 19:44

Keith, while I agree it's a drag to have to wade through a variety of MixFest posts, I figure it'd be more of a drag to have 500 posts on one topic discussing many levels of the MixFest. The London Town Mixers don't nee to be reading the She's the Man information. So that's why I split it up.

Your post putting it all together was very helpful, thanks.


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