I own 2 Aardvark Q10's which I use on my Dell computer. They have their own A/D converters rated at 24 bits 96khz. I keep reading the great raves the Apogee system )like the Rosetta) keep getting from everyone. They have the same sampling rate as the Q10, but an Apogee system cost like 3 tiems the price of the Aardvark Q10. Any of you have any suggestions ? should I keep my Q10's ? Will the Apogee make a world of a difference ? I really want to improve my quality and I was wondering if this could be a missing link. Thanks again!
In a word, yes. Less jitter, less harshness more clarity, tigh
In a word, yes.
Less jitter, less harshness more clarity, tighter low end than what you have now But, if you don't have a decent set of monitors, you may not be able to hear the difference.
Aardvark has a good reputation for making good converters with a
Aardvark has a good reputation for making good converters with a good wordclock ... but the Apogees are argueably, top of the line. However the Aardavrk has some features the Apogees don't offer, such as the mic pres.
These are things to consider.
You guys think I'll notice a difference by switching ?
You guys think I'll notice a difference by switching ?