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songwriter in nashville trying to improve my own demo

Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 10:54

Ok I'm a broke songwriter like everyother songwriter in nashville trying to improve my own demos.

What i have:
HP Laptop 3.2 pentium 4, 1gig of ram, 120gig hd, MoTu 828 MKII, M-Audio BX-5a moniters, AKG PERCEPTION 220, and a 15'x20' room dedicated solely to music.

Now my question is for software. Now dont laugh, I use Magix Audio Studio. Tracking with magix is pretty similar to many others, but from what I can tell from playing around with guitar tracks, Sonar, some Pro Tools the major downfall of my software is cheap and/or limited plugins. With very limited funds should my next investment be in plugins, will they even work with magix?, or upgrade to like Sonar home or something of similar quality. I've been using Magix for acoustic demo's for years so I have grown very familiar with it. I dont want anything to complex but in this slow economy my job has really slowed down at a time when my music production really needs to pick up. I also have several people willing to pay (small amounts) for demo's and I wanna be able to give a decent project. I will eventually reinvest the cash into the studio but need to get started somewhere.

Sorry if I sound to amature for some. :)

Isaac Mathews


You have a good voice. In "Where I belong" and "My GrandPa" your vocal microphone interacts with the room you are in. It sounds like a good voice over a nice mic in someones room.

This may be the dry sound you are going for. If it is, bravo :) If not, maybe this is something you want to spend a little time with. The cost may be far less then you are thinking.

Sun, 03/01/2009 - 12:09 Permalink

Thanks for the info. Where I belong, and My Grandpa were very simple. sm 57, on the guitar and akg for vocals. Tracked live on a single track dead center in the middle of my studio. Very little effects. Slight reverb, compression, and eq. Close to natrural was what I was aiming for on those two. I just dont like mixing vocals, and guitar on same track. What's good for guitar, isnt allways good for vocals. And that was before I got my 828 and was still recording on my onboard realtek soundcard.
"Close" was recorded in a friends studio. Mac, Apogee Duet, AKG 414.

I'll have to check out Cubase prices and such.


Sun, 03/01/2009 - 12:59 Permalink