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Studio rewiring and cleaning

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Submitted by Opus2000 on

This is for you DoubleHelix. I know how much you love redoing the setup and so forth and thought I'd throw this one in just for the sh*ts and giggles...and also to mix it up! ha ha ha ha ha

Anyways, Sunday I cmpletely tore all cables, equipment and so forth out from the setup and re laid all the cables down...of course vaccuumed the enitre desk area in and around as well...I think what may be a cool idea that most people don't do it use twist ties to help keep cables together...since zip ties are a one time shot, twist ties can be reused and opened up to add more to it! Brilliant you say! Right O! lol

I laid all the power cables and tied those together than did all the computer peripheral cables(Mind you I use three computers with a 4th on the way that all share one monitor, keyboard and mouse) and then did all the audio cables together...surprisingly enough there were three times as many power and computer cables than audio...since I don't use outboard gear and most of my audio stuff is in one rack...

It's sooo nice and clean now!

The quesiton remains is how long till I have to do it all over again!

Just a fun post!




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Hey Gary! It is about time!!! Hehe...I am proud of you son!

I did that same thing about 2 months ago, and what a difference it has made to my sound (not really, but it makes me feel better!). I also at the same time had a whole new dedicated 20 amp filtered circuit added to my breaker box, and had wire run to the studio with a whole new set of wall plugs dedicated to the studio...clean and quiet!!! :D

It really bothered my to have the power and audio cables so close together, which inevitably (sp?) happens when you add new bits to your a hurry to try it out, etc. I finally completely redid mine, and I also found that I had a bunch of power cables, and very few audio cables outside of my racks and mixer! I also re-wired all my racks however, and there is a ton of audio and a ton of power cables in there that needed re-routing though!

I have also pretty much standardized on Velcro cable ties too...easy, and no fuss, no muss...I get mine from Home Improvement Stores (in the US, that means Home Depot, Lowes, etc.) in the electrical supply area. They work great, and are a *lot* cheaper than the ones that sold in music stores/catalogs.

Fri, 08/02/2002 - 10:37 Permalink
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When I redo my studio, more so in the past, since I've less equipment now, I still open up everything and treat every trim pot, removable connector, all I/O, AC power inlets/plugs and all audio plugs/jacks with "Cramolin" in its various forms. It is absolutely true that I can obtain measurable differences in dB, S/N etc.

For info on the product search for Caig Laboratories.

Phil M.

Sun, 08/25/2002 - 19:57 Permalink
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Guise, if you really want to go total neatnik, try this stuff.

I use it in the rear of racks, down each side and across bottom/middle/top. I run Audio on one side, power and midi on the other, and come into racks in the middle for audio, bottom for power. Keeps things neat while letting you remove one piece of gear without undoing a bunch of tye wraps. Cables can exit through the fingers wherever you want, just lay everything in the way you want it and snap on the cap. It ain't cheap, runs about $5 a foot - but you only gotta buy it once... Steve

Fri, 08/30/2002 - 10:56 Permalink
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A question to Opus about this:

Mind you I use three computers with a 4th on the way that all share one monitor, keyboard and mouse

How do you do that?

Lan, switch or what?

I would really like to have 2 computers with just one monitor, keyboard and mouse, but I don't have a clue how do it the best way.

I'd be very grateful for some good advice here.

Fri, 09/27/2002 - 00:15 Permalink
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Well...I have done it again! I just integrated my new patch bay, and had to re-wire the whole friggin' studio...*again*!!! But man, this time, it is soooooo sweet with the patch bay! It cost me a small fortune in cables, and about 3,647 hours to re-wire and re-route everything*!!! :) I have even left a couple of open slots for a new piece of equipment that I have my eye on (an RNC compressor). It will always be a "work in progress", but for now, I am pretty excited! I actually still have a couple more cables to buy/make, but it is 95% done!!! :D

And to top it all off, I added a new monitor to the computer as is a NEC 19" LCD screen that kicks some major butt! I am running a dual-monitor system, and when recording guitars, I can now turn off the CRT screen, and only have the LCD screen on so I don't get the pickup buzz from the CRT. The cool thing is that I can still see what is going on with the software. Before, I had to turn off *both* monitors, press record, and *hope* everything was working OK!

I am jazzed!!!

Tue, 10/01/2002 - 11:25 Permalink