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Summit Audio MPC-100A vs. Vintech X73i

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Submitted by Vitalie Andries on Wed, 03/25/2015 - 00:42

Hi all, I want some advice on the pre-amp.
Neumann Microphone u87ai + Summit Audio MPC-100A
Neumann Microphone u87ai + Vintech X73i
How do you think that version is better? ...
We have possibility to acquire Summit Audio MPC-100A at a good price ...
Initially I wanted to buy Vintech X73i ... but now I do not know what to decide ..
Thank You
p.s. In combination Neumann Microphone u87ai + Summit Audio MPC-100A
possible we include Warm Audio EQP-WA Pultec Style Tube Equalizer


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The summit and the vintech are very different units. The summit is a tube preamp with a compresor and the vintech is a solid state with preamp and EQ only.
The vintech is possibly one of the best replica of the classic Neve 1073 preamps. It will sound very accurate with sweet HF compare to the tubes that can sound clean but dirty if you push them.
The summit channel strip would not be my first choice and if you really crave for a tube sound, try the UA LA-610 you can get used ones for about 1k

But if you want to keep it to your list, I'd go for the vintech and the U87 any day !

Wed, 03/25/2015 - 03:13 Permalink
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Vitalie, I'm assuming vocals?

I wouldn't buy either but if you are buying the Warm Audio EQ, why buy the Vintech X73i? I personally think you are much better off staying away from combo's. Buy dedicated pre's without an added EQ or comp.

Being said, I've not used either of these but if this was for tracking vocals only, and your only choice is either the Summit Audio MPC-100A or the Vintech X73i, because I'm a big fan of subtle compressing vocals when tracking, I would choose the Summit Audio MPC-100A. I rarely EQ during tracking and I think most people are the same so the resale is not going to be great either.

The U87Ai is not a warm mic but a good mic that would sound great with the summit.
I would stay away from the Warm Audio all together, but it does look great.

If you can hear that Summit Audio MPC-100A, I'd demo it before I bought it.

Wed, 03/25/2015 - 07:58 Permalink
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Of course, I should have asked first ; What are you recording and what do you use right now.
Also what do you dislike about what you are using.
Would you like more character, a warmer, a clearer sound ? We can talk about our preferences but it yours that mathers !

@audiokid , That might not be it but by the profil pic, he might be using the gear to broadcast, it which case EQ and Comp maybe important to have in the way in. That's why I thought a chanel strip was a good idea. The LA-610 or ISA430 as budget choices or Tube-Tech MEC 1A, Manley VOXBOX, Millennia STT-1 Origin as dream choices ;)

Wed, 03/25/2015 - 09:20 Permalink
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pcrecord, post: 426774, member: 46460 wrote: The summit channel strip would not be my first choice and if you really crave for a tube sound, try the UA LA-610 you can get used ones for about 1k

there's nothing wrong with Summit gear. those guys have been building quality stuff for years now and they have past affiliation with both UA and Rupert ... yes it's a tube pre. a bit different that the Vintech but still quite nice. really you're asking for an opinion between apples and rutabagas ... i wouldn't sneeze at either.

Wed, 03/25/2015 - 09:46 Permalink
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Kurt Foster, post: 426789, member: 7836 wrote: there's nothing wrong with Summit gear. those guys have been building quality stuff for years now and they have past affiliation with both UA and Rupert ... yes it's a tube pre. a bit different that the Vintech but still quite nice. really you're asking for an opinion between apples and rutabagas ... i wouldn't sneeze at either.

I was saying that, not for the quality of the unit. I'm pretty sure Summit is very nice. Asking between a solidstate and a tube is kind of strange to start with. I was suggesting the la-610 because the op seemed to derived his decision because of a low price.
People sometime go for a Tube unit without even knowing what sound they could expect from a tube.
I own 2 LA610 and find them versatile as for character range as other tube unit may be getting you cleaner sounds.

Wed, 03/25/2015 - 10:03 Permalink
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I've wanted that Summit Audio TLA-100A comp and other Summit gear for years. The Comp is what I want from them most. Their EQ, I used to be big on hardware EQ's, which I've had over $30,000 in great EQ here UNTIL, Sequoia replaced them all.

Re Summit, I darn near made a deal with them back in 2006.
They don't get a lot of exposure in USA for some reason. But, as Kurt put, the level of quality is still there.
I'm guessing that comp is close enough to a cleaner LA2a. If those are his two choices, I'd go for that and forget about the Warm Audio stuff too. IMHO, either buy Pulse Techniques Pultecs or forget it. The clones, especially at that price is all looks, I'm betting a complete waste of money that could be put into better gear spent wisely.

Wed, 03/25/2015 - 11:59 Permalink