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Summit MPC-100A

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Submitted by anonymous on

Is the preamp compressor an electro-optical ?

Somebody have experience with this combo ?



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I had one for several years and really liked the mic pre but the compressor wasn't up to par and pretty much sucked. It choked easy and ate the high end to much to be of any real use. It's a hybrid tube/IC design, not an el-op and is not even close to the TLA-100 sound I was expecting. It was ok on bass, ok on snare, ok on clean electric guitars, and that was it. I traded it for an API 525 compressor and an Ashly SC-50 limiter and couldn't be happier with the deal. A month later I got a call from the guy I sold it to and he said he should of listened to it more before he bought it. No refunds! was my reply.

Mon, 10/13/2003 - 11:31 Permalink