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Tape Machine Distorting on Input!Help

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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/29/2002 - 05:41

Good Morning,

I need some help calibrating my APR-5002. I've run through the calibration process several times and when I try to record directly from a CD
source(+4dbu) the play back is distorted. The recorded material is about 12 dbs below full scale and peaks at -6dbs.

Here are the tape machine parameters:

Tape = GP9
MRL Tape(NAB)= 355 nWb/m
Speed= 15/IPS
Meter calibration= 0vu(+4dbu)
Repro/Sync calibration= -6vu
Recording calibration = 0vu

I've followed the manual completely to no avail. Please help! I hadn't realize how long its been since I had to deal with a tape machine.



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Hi Brad,

Here are the new parameters and still distorting:

Tape = GP9
MRL Tape(NAB)= 355 nWb/m
Speed= 15/IPS
Meter calibration= 0vu(+4dbu)
Repro/Sync calibration= +3vu
Recording calibration = +3vu

I may have to look for a tech here in Chicago there maybe something else wrong.

Let me know what you think.


Tue, 01/29/2002 - 19:30 Permalink