Up where you can change the tempo--you can also change the notes from, Whole note, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and then a "dotted" option. The click track goes slower when its set lower than 1/4--and anything above 1/4, it clicks faster. I think 1/4 is the default selection but if anyone can tell me what these note changes are doing/ or their purpose that'd be great, thanks
You don't say which music package you are using, so it's a bit d
You don't say which music package you are using, so it's a bit difficult to answer your question. The whole/half/quarter/eighth note etc nomenclature is American English for what breve, semibreve, crotchet, quaver etc are in real money. When you change the time value of a note, you change the fraction of a bar that note lasts for.
It's not easy to give you much more information without going further into music theory. Tell us a little more about what you are working with and what you are trying to achieve and we may be able to help further.
Boswell, post: 372741 wrote: You don't say which music package y
I'm learning how to make beats--and the using the click track with each bar to make it easier. I'm in Pro Tools 8 LE, and up where you edit your tempo, on the transport--you have those options of different note changes and they each do different things to the click track. I thought at 1st that that was just an option to tell the click track when to 'click', because when its set to 1/4--it clicks 4 times per bar but thats not it because when its on the whole note for example it clicks really fast--so im not really sure what the purpose of those options are