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theres an clicking sound in the back ground when I'm recordin

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 04/14/2007 - 22:41

its not all the time it comes and goes and it gets us off beat i tried a different program to record and it still does the clicking i was thinking maybe it was a connection by the way I'm recording with my pc which is connected to a Mackie cr1604 i tried recording on a different channel but it does the same thing



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Re: theres an clicking sound in the back ground when im reco

URGee wrote: its not all the time it comes and goes and it gets us off beat i tried a different program to record and it still does the clicking i was thinking maybe it was a connection by the way im recording with my pc which is connected to a mackie cr1604 i tried recording on a different channel but it does the same thing :cry:

How is the Mackie connected to the PC - through a soundcard? If so, what type? What software are you using? What else is running on the PC at the same time - networking, anti-virus, other scheduled tasks?

Sun, 04/15/2007 - 04:10 Permalink
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Mackie is connected to an onboard SoundMax soundcard, line out is going to the bus inserts on the Mackie with only the tip in, and the AUX outputs are going back in the Line in. We use Magix Audio Studio

There is a disk defragmenter (Diskeeper) working but its scheduled to go at times when the PC isnt in use... i.e. when the screensaver comes on

Sun, 04/15/2007 - 12:25 Permalink
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Bus inserts for card signal? Pretty strange way, at least for me. Why don’t you use stereo channel or two regular channels on the Mackie (with pan full left/right) for card playback?

For recording signal you can use channel direct out or channel send (half plugged) or aux prefader.

Clicking could be ... clipping, untuned Windows for audio, bad cables, bad power, but mostly onboard card and driver ...

Double check or swap cables, borrow different mixer, update the driver, read this and tune:

if doesn’t help … it’s time for better soundcard


Sun, 04/15/2007 - 14:02 Permalink
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first you need to find out what the source of the clicking is, so when it happens

disconnect the mixer from the pc and monitor the pc using headphones, no click?
then monitor the mixer without pc

my guess is: it has something to do with the ac power: either some different device causing spikes like a fridge or airconditioner, or a psu is on the verge of breakdown (pc / mixer?)


Mon, 04/16/2007 - 00:26 Permalink
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I heard a faint clicking in the background recording my band's first demo through a ten year old emachine with some godless piece integrated soundcard. I thought at first it was just because I was using 30 dollar computer speakers next to a big CRT computer monitor, But it was recorded somehow onto the songs on a few tracks.

Using all the same equipment on a newer macbook with a decent soundcard killed the clicking.

It could be a soundcard issue?

Mon, 04/16/2007 - 16:34 Permalink