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Tilt and placement options for Genelec 8020A

Submitted by ailgun on Thu, 04/08/2010 - 05:34


I have a pair of Genelec 8020A's but I guess I'm using them a little wrong way. Firstly,
I was wondering if this is the right of their placement?…

I use them way more in front of me, I wonder which is true?

And the tilt options...
Here I have uploaded a photo the room I use them, I wonder if anyone can recommend me some tilt options.
http://img143.image… Imageshack - geneu.jpg http://img143.image… Imageshack - geneu.jpg
http://img20.images… Imageshack - dsc0122d.jpg http://img20.images… Imageshack - dsc0122d.jpg
http://img209.image… Imageshack - dsc0124p.jpg http://img209.image… Imageshack - dsc0124p.jpg
http://img215.image… Imageshack - dsc0123q.jpg http://img215.image… Imageshack - dsc0123q.jpg

PS: First photo has the position I use them while other three shows my room.

Thanks very much,
Atay İlgün