Hello guys, it's my first post here! I have a question.
I have a basement that I'm putting new drywall into, and I'm turning into a studio. Now, what should I buy to go along with it?
I've got:
A computer, and Cubase to go with it.
MXL 990 Microphone
Guitar rig 2 for guitars and bass
Drum Set
Now, I need to know, I'm VERY restricted on my budget. For the monitors, could I get these?
(Dead Link Removed)
And anything else I should buy? :)
How are you installing the drywall? Did you prep the block in an
How are you installing the drywall? Did you prep the block in any way? What's it look like over your head...empty or insulation/sheetrock/something else?
Personally I would not buy those because they look like cheep co
Personally I would not buy those because they look like cheep computer speakers and in that case you could use any speaker.
If there is a music store that you can stop in at and get them to explain how a monitor is different, you might change your mind on what to by.
I started with cheep speakers and then went to head phones but its hard to hear the bass level when mixing (what I found)
By the way, Insulation in the ceiling would keep the wife off your case, LOL, did in my case.
this is a good buy.