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U87 shock mounts - any decent "generics"?

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Submitted by hollywood_steve on Wed, 06/20/2001 - 00:00

Totally willing to admit to being a cheap S.O.B. I'm purchasing an 87 next week and the mic does not come with any mount. The Neumann EA87 elastic mount seems really nice, but its also $75 more than an RNC stereo compressor! If there is no decent alternative, I'll shut up and write Neumann a check. But I was just wondering if anyone has found any other shock mounts that perform very well with the 87? I still haven't decided if I like the $70 Audio-Technica mount that Royer supplies with the R121; but that's the sort of thing I'm looking for. Is there a good mid-priced mount that won't leave me wishing I had bought the EA87? (for what its worth, the AT mount does a fine job supporting and isolating my Royer, it just hangs a little bit crooked, at that can drive you nuts after a while.)


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Originally posted by hollywood_steve:
I'm purchasing an 87 next week and the mic does not come with any mount.

If it's a original U87 you won't have much of a choice anyway. To my knowledge Neumann doesn't offer a shock mount that fits the U87, only the U87a models.

I picked up a cheap shock mount from one of those Chinese U87 clones for $30 and use that on my original U87. It was a tight fit so I just leave the mic in the shock mount. It works okay, but I have noticed the mechanism for adjusting the position of the shock mount is pretty flimsy.

Wed, 06/20/2001 - 03:19 Permalink
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I think 'Stedman' makes one that will fit a U87 as can get the regular 'stand mount' and some 4" thick blocks of foam rubber...cut out notches in the foam for the legs of the mic stand [don't go all the way through]...the 'shock mounting occurs' when the stand stands on the foam rubber (so you want it fairly dense, like a sofa cushion kind of density)...isolating it from the floor...otherwise known as a shockmount].

Total cost...about $10/slab.

Wed, 06/20/2001 - 06:22 Permalink
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Thanks for the replies. Two comments:
1. it is a newer U87ai, not an old U87, so the Neumann mount WILL work.
2. the Rode website can be a PITA; it looks nice, but its not "user friendly," and I can't find any info about their mounts. Does the mount that fits an 87 belong to a specifc Rode mic? That way, I could look up that Rode mic and maybe find info about the mount that way. Thanks.

Wed, 06/20/2001 - 15:34 Permalink
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Tom Cram

I just did the math, and if my calculations are correct (my math is rusty) a 3" tube (approx size of shockmount) will affect 2.25kHz. This is smack dab in the middle of the audible range.

Somebody check my math please. Here is the formula;

Half wave @ 3"
Full wave @ 6"
Speed of sound in air is 344 m/sec

freq = speed/wavelength

Fri, 06/22/2001 - 07:51 Permalink