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UREI 1178

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 09/20/2002 - 19:57

What can these be used for?
What is their best use?
How do you wire one of these up to a console?
If you're wiring one to a patchbay, how?
The thing just has screws on the back?
How to use it?
Are they really desirable? If decide to get rid of this one would it be terribly difficult and how much?


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Wiggy gave you a pretty good answer over at ProSound so I won't cover the same stuff.

I think the screw terminals are marked hot cold and ground so you should have no trouble hooking it up.

I have an 1178 manual here somewhere if you need it. I don't have the manual on my site yet but I do have the schematic.

Anymore tech questions I'll be glad to try to answer here or at tech talk.

Sat, 09/21/2002 - 13:39 Permalink