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Using outboard gear with Paris

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hello all,

I must say that this forum is certainly easier to navigate than the Paris users forum (I can't seem to access the newsgroup or search functions!) and I certainly appreciate much of the information that has been given thus far.

After looking intensively at purchasing Pro Tools Le/Digi 001 I am now considering the Paris Pro (I have been using a Roland 1680 for the last couple of years). I still have a couple of outstanding questions regarding the Paris Pro system:

1. In terms of plugins, are there any that compare in sound quality to Bomb factory or MCDsp plugins?

2. When using outboard gear with Paris are there the latency/timing issues as are associated with the Digi 001?

3. How difficult is it to get Paris setup with a PC system, are the manuals fairly straightforward and well-written, is there a fair amount of customer support available?

Thanks for any help you can give!



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Tom Cram

Hi Bjoern,

1. Paris is fully VST/DX compatible. Bomb Factory makes plug-ins for both versions.

2. I have not run into any latency/propagation issues.

3. I'm running on MAC and setup was a breeze. I have a buddy who uses PARIS on PC who had a little more difficulty setting his IRQ's and stuff. It was still pretty easy though. I'll let a PC user field the details.

Tue, 03/13/2001 - 08:30 Permalink
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You aren't missing anything - Bomb Factory only writes for TDM, RTAS and MAS. They bashed VST and DirectX as being inferior" on their website last year (and got duly flogged by VST/DX users for it). I don't mind posting this because they were so arrogant about it with no technical basis other than their exclusive agreements with Digi and MOTU. There are options for other plugins in the future on the Universal Audio DSP card (VST on a card - LA2A and 1176 emulations, and RealVerb Pro included - more plugins on the way too) or perhaps the TC Works card - both claim 3rd party plugins are coming - perhaps Bomb Factory will retract, but I am sure Digi has them locked up. I think one or both of these cards will add some very serious power and quality to VST plugin options. I don't know of any reason why they wouldn't work with Paris.

Tue, 03/13/2001 - 19:24 Permalink
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Originally posted by Christ's_own:

So the Powercore card will be Paris compatible? :confused: If so, how do you access effects in Paris such as VST/DX? I am looking seriously at Paris Pro now. But still have questions such as this.

In-Christ, Jamey

Hi Jamey - Paris will see Powercore (initially Mac only) as regular VST plugins. There are inserts on each channel for up to 4 VST (Mac) or DX(PC) effects. You could have Waves plugins and Powercore plugins together on the same channel. Only the interface for the Powecore plugin is in the CPU, the rest is on the Powercore card. Then you have 4 EDS effect inserts (dynamics or delays). The question that still remains about the Powercore is the affect it will have on audio streaming. It is a PCI card, as are EDS cards, and audio has to be sent from the harddrive, through the processor, onto the PCI bus via VST to the Powercore card, then back to the processor, then back to the PCI bus to the EDS card. TC Works states the PCI bus load is an extra 10%, which isn't too bad, but there will be a tradeoff somewhere. We won't know until we test the card. I am working on getting one for testing and review when they come out. Universal Audio's UAD-1 card is similar (PC only at first) and perhaps even more promising in terms of power; also, LA2A and 1176 emulations, RealVerb Pro, as well as other EQs, compressors and mod effects included with the card. Very cool.

Thu, 03/15/2001 - 17:21 Permalink