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versatile pro channel strip for vox/gtr/bass/acoustic

Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 08/04/2006 - 06:26

This will be my first pro level channel strip. I'm looking for a versatile channel strip for vocals, electric guitar, bass, and acoustic guitar. I'm going to try out the UA LA-610. Here's my current signal path..

AT 4033 -> (channel strip) -> MOTU 828MkII -> Logic

electric guitar and bass:
(channel strip) -> MOTU 828MkII -> Logic

Is the LA-610 versatile? I've read that many people like it for vocals, but I've read mixed comments about using it on bass, electric guitar, and acoustic. Any user comments would be appreciated.

Also, is there any other channel strip in this price range or lower that I should consider ? Thanks.
