Hey Kev! I'm just curious, in Australia do the gain reduction meters go up instead of down?? And does the water in the toilet go clockwise instead of counterclockwise? I know you guys already drive on the wrong side of the road. Is Mel Gibson's Australian accent fake? I hear his mother is an American, actually I really can't hear her hear I mean here. I guess it's a good thing I'm doing more video than audio these days??
Inquisitive people want to know.
Ms. Remy Ann David
To actually answer your question: Yes. They're really transparent. Great for leveling a vocal or something. It's not something you're going to plug in and say "Man, that sounds so much better!", but will help a vocal or instrument stay in its place in a mix much nicer. The RNC is a stereo compressor, but with global settings, so you can't compress 2 seperate channels differently. So, if you're looking for 2 channels, you should probably grab 2 of them. Still well worth the money.
RemyRAD wrote: ...
Is Mel Gibson's Australian accent fake? I hear his mother is an American, actually I really can't hear her hear I mean here. I guess it's a good thing I'm doing more video than audio these days??
people want to know.
yes, yes
yes Mel is F...
I would never say that
Mel speaks ... Mel
and his brother does sound better
and is cheaper
Now to start with Mel Gibson Australian or American,hmmmmm I'm not sure,but if you asked him I'm sure he'd say god sent him to save us all,hmmmmm I feel so safe. :P .
Secondly yeah the water in the sink or toilet (we call it a dunny) does go in a reverse way. Also on every channel on a mixer in Aus,one should hit the phase reverse just to make sure our music is in phase with the northern hemisphere.
Also the reason we drive on the left side is because the kangaroos and emus have been doing it that way for 40,000 years and there were some terrible accidents until our government decided the kangaroos win and we should do as they do.
Am I making sense,I hope not,hahaha.
There ya go Remy now I hope that clarifies some things about Australia. :D
It is a strange place. !7 hours ahead 30 years behind.
Just outta interest are the RNC's any good for tracking guitars,a friend who I do alot of work with needs a comp,as he does most tracking at his place and then mix at my place,his levels are quite wildly varied.I've been trying to convince him to get a comp for tracking,so what do say,are they any good for tracking guitars. As I've never used one and I'm not gonna lend him my Al Smart c2 or my Pendulum es8.
Will thank you guys! I now feel much better. And I think it's time for me to go down..... Under...... Not Australia, not New Zealand. The covers..... As it is bedtime and I'm going to play with my kitty! And don't read too deeply into that, she's an 18-year-old Calico, thankfully she is of legal age.
Playing with my pussy in bed
Ms. Remy Ann David
Well I have a wooden radio (1930s Philco) and a Crystal hat (Bell motorcycle helmet) and brother do I look weird when I am wearing my Crystal hat trying to ride my wooden radio!
I think I need some new tubes for my head???
Ms. Remy Ann David
Of course! They're all good! I have 10. A woman of few words
Of course! They're all good! I have 10.
A woman of few words
Ms. Remy Ann David
:( I've only got one Really Nice Compressor and then an 1176
I've only got one Really Nice Compressor
and then an
various VCA comps
and many DIY units of all sorts
Hey Kev! I'm just curious, in Australia do the gain reduction m
Hey Kev! I'm just curious, in Australia do the gain reduction meters go up instead of down?? And does the water in the toilet go clockwise instead of counterclockwise? I know you guys already drive on the wrong side of the road. Is Mel Gibson's Australian accent fake? I hear his mother is an American, actually I really can't hear her hear I mean here. I guess it's a good thing I'm doing more video than audio these days??
Inquisitive people want to know.
Ms. Remy Ann David
To actually answer your question: Yes. They're really transpare
To actually answer your question: Yes. They're really transparent. Great for leveling a vocal or something. It's not something you're going to plug in and say "Man, that sounds so much better!", but will help a vocal or instrument stay in its place in a mix much nicer. The RNC is a stereo compressor, but with global settings, so you can't compress 2 seperate channels differently. So, if you're looking for 2 channels, you should probably grab 2 of them. Still well worth the money.
one what ?.... what compressor are you talking about dude ?
one what ?.... what compressor are you talking about dude ?
I think (hope) he meant [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.fmraudio
I think (hope) he meant [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.fmraudio…"]Really Nice Compessor[/]="http://www.fmraudio…"]Really Nice Compessor[/].
No, I think he is talking about the knock-off version, the Behrf
No, I think he is talking about the knock-off version, the Behrfinger Ultra Tube Very Nice Compressor Pro.
RemyRAD wrote: ... ... Is Mel Gibson's Australian accent fake?
yes, yes
yes Mel is F...
I would never say that
Mel speaks ... Mel
and his brother does sound better
and is cheaper
all people are inquisitive once in a while
Now to start with Mel Gibson Australian or American,hmmmmm I'm n
Now to start with Mel Gibson Australian or American,hmmmmm I'm not sure,but if you asked him I'm sure he'd say god sent him to save us all,hmmmmm I feel so safe. :P .
Secondly yeah the water in the sink or toilet (we call it a dunny) does go in a reverse way. Also on every channel on a mixer in Aus,one should hit the phase reverse just to make sure our music is in phase with the northern hemisphere.
Also the reason we drive on the left side is because the kangaroos and emus have been doing it that way for 40,000 years and there were some terrible accidents until our government decided the kangaroos win and we should do as they do.
Am I making sense,I hope not,hahaha.
There ya go Remy now I hope that clarifies some things about Australia. :D
It is a strange place. !7 hours ahead 30 years behind.
Just outta interest are the RNC's any good for tracking guitars,
Just outta interest are the RNC's any good for tracking guitars,a friend who I do alot of work with needs a comp,as he does most tracking at his place and then mix at my place,his levels are quite wildly varied.I've been trying to convince him to get a comp for tracking,so what do say,are they any good for tracking guitars. As I've never used one and I'm not gonna lend him my Al Smart c2 or my Pendulum es8.
Will thank you guys! I now feel much better. And I think it's
Will thank you guys! I now feel much better. And I think it's time for me to go down..... Under...... Not Australia, not New Zealand. The covers..... As it is bedtime and I'm going to play with my kitty! And don't read too deeply into that, she's an 18-year-old Calico, thankfully she is of legal age.
Playing with my pussy in bed
Ms. Remy Ann David
:shock: ,hahaha. Thanks,I needed a giggle.
:shock: ,hahaha. Thanks,I needed a giggle.
OK, usually a girl never reveals her age. 3 UREI 1176LN 2 UREI
OK, usually a girl never reveals her age.
3 UREI 1176LN
2 DBX 165A
1 DBX 160
1 DBX 166
1 Orban 418A
5 Neve 3314s
4 Op-Amp labs
1 Altec 1612A
OK, so I lied about my age.
Ms. Remy Ann David
now I'm really feeling pumped up!
Show off ! All I have is a wire recorder and a Fischer symphonic
Show off ! All I have is a wire recorder and a Fischer symphonic expander spring reverb!
Ok now I'm drueling.You have a nice outboard list.Theres no drue
Ok now I'm drueling.You have a nice outboard list.Theres no drueling smiley I think one should be added. :lol:
RemyRAD, Any experience/opinion on the Symetrix 528E, 522, and/
Any experience/opinion on the Symetrix 528E, 522, and/or 501s?
I'm sorry, I once tried a symetrics but didn't like it and I've
I'm sorry, I once tried a symetrics but didn't like it and I've had no further experience with them.
Old user processors
Ms. Remy Ann David
I've got a crystal radio and a wooden hat.
I've got a crystal radio and a wooden hat.
Well I have a wooden radio (1930s Philco) and a Crystal hat (Bel
Well I have a wooden radio (1930s Philco) and a Crystal hat (Bell motorcycle helmet) and brother do I look weird when I am wearing my Crystal hat trying to ride my wooden radio!
I think I need some new tubes for my head???
Ms. Remy Ann David