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Vintech X73 vs. . X73i?

Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/30/2004 - 15:23

Okay, so Vintech claims that the X73 and the X73i are sonically the same but with a $400 difference in pricetags is that possible?

Has anybody ever heard them side by side?




It would be interesting to hear them side by side in a comparison. I have heard some people say that they can hear a difference when an identical circuit is executed as a point to point vs. a PCB.

Here are a couple of links ...

[=""]Vintech X73[/]="http://www.vintech-…"]Vintech X73[/]

[[url=http://="http://www.vintech-…"]Vintech X73i[/]="http://www.vintech-…"]Vintech X73i[/]

Kurt Foster

Sat, 05/01/2004 - 10:35 Permalink