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what is this error?

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 06/09/2003 - 12:10


i get the following error whenever i configure Norton Antivirus and at startup also.
it wasnt happening before Norton systemworks installation:

"Internet Explorer Script Error:
an error has occured in the script on this page

Line: 341
Char: 3
Error: unspecified
Code: 0
URL: res://C:PROGRA~1Norton%20SystemWorksNorton%AntiVirusCfgwiz.exe/CfgwizRoadmap.htm

do you want to continue running scripts on this page? YES / NO"

"yes" and "no" give the same results (i.e. nothing- no solution)
something to do with scripts, i guess, but no idea how to correct it.

anyone care to help me, or suggest something?
it's on P4PE, windows XPpro and i installed Norton SystemWorks 2002 professional edition.

thank you in advance,



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It just has to do with Internet Explorer(or as it is commonly referred to as Internet Exploder :p )

It's a script probelm with whatever it's loading which seems to be the roadmap part of system works...whatever that may be!

It may be as simple as updating IE to the latest version or configuring it for optimal usage...whatever that may be!

Otherwise I would not worry about it in the fact that it is not a system issue in terms of configuration.


Mon, 06/09/2003 - 16:57 Permalink