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Why is it necessary for auxiliaries to be able to source their signal from the monitor section?


realdynamix Fri, 05/23/2003 - 16:15

Originally posted by topher:
Why is it necessary for auxiliaries to be able to source their signal from the monitor section?

:) Adding effects into the monitor only is just to "sort of" generalize the mix itself, a working mix if you will, without applying anything to the tracks, or master section.

Also, to add some effects to the cue tracks to give them a little life in the tracking process. That way the people performing tracks won't have a bland dry mono cue mix to vibe with. These adjustments are only temporary and not permanent to the tracking.


realdynamix Fri, 05/23/2003 - 17:14

Originally posted by Muesli:
cheers mate....also
why is it logical to have the bass speaker as the lowest in a speaker stack?

:) Some very determined researchers have worked hard to give us the automobile, and speakers. Not much has changed from the basic concept of the beginning.

The high frequencies are directional, they like to travel in a straight line. Bass, on the other hand, tends to be more omnidirectional in it's dispersion. It will wrap around things, go through walls, and bend right around corners.

In order to balance the response, the effect is much like bass for the abdomen, mids for the chest, and highs for the face. In monitoring, the high, and mid drivers are preferred at ear level. It is very hard to detect the direction of origin of very low sounds. This balance works well with the common designs we know today.


realdynamix Fri, 05/23/2003 - 18:45

Originally posted by Muesli:
thanx again, your a champ.....also

What would be two ways in which a subjective increase in bass can be achieved without using an equaliser? maybe to do with speaker position?

:) Is this my final exam? Well, you can get plenty more bass by using walls, corners, and the maximum, an intersection of a wall a corner and the floor or ceiling. Each surface in proximity will add approx. 6db increase in low frequency. The result of placing a speaker into the intersection of three surfaces will yield 18db of increase. However, this is not at all going to give a predictable response.

As a listener, the better way to achieve this is with the speakers away from any corner or wall, then position yourself within 3 feet of a wall behind you. The speakers are out front in an equilateral triangle to your position. From this point, and the speaker HF image clear to your ears in the triangle, move back or forward till you find the amount of deep bass to be greatest.

The room reflected HF will not arrive prior to the direct sound accounting for very good clarity of image. This method is not recommended for critical mixing and monitoring. The bass wave travel will roll from around your position, and bend to other parts of the room. Of course the usual standing wave conditions can exist, as with any room not designed to diminish them. Also, you can simply reduce the levels of the high and mid drivers.

Did I pass, will I get to drive my Daddy's car?

KurtFoster Fri, 05/23/2003 - 22:07

Hey Muesli!!!
The Mods here have figured out what you are up to... DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK! It's not gonna do you a bit of good if you don't learn it on your own...

For the benifit of everyone else, Muesli is a student in a recording school and it's time for finals...

Rick spent a lot of energy and time answering your questions. So no, I won't delete the topic. Kurt

KurtFoster Sat, 05/24/2003 - 09:05

We (Rick & I) don't intend to be cruel or mean. We both enjoy helping and sharing what knowledge we have with others, especially students. But as I said previously, it's not going to do you a bit of good if you don't do the work yourself. I have to ask, if there is nothing wrong with this, why did you ask to have the thread deleted? I think you know there is someting not quite right with doing this ... best of luck, Kurt

anonymous Sat, 05/24/2003 - 09:43


I thinks it's great if you feel you can learn from RO, which there are some of the industries best on here. However, it is very important that you are grasping the information given to you at the school. Which BTW, what recording school are you attending? IMHO, you should feel free to ask questions but don't expect the post to be removed. This is something that is frowned upon here on RO and will not be done for anyone. Good Luck on your finals!



anonymous Sat, 05/24/2003 - 20:09

Sorry guys

I should have explained why I was asking the questions in the first place. The reason I wanted you to delete the topics was incase this would happin. Sorry bout that

But I have already done the assignment through notes and handouts in my course. All I wanted was to make sure I had the right answear, so I could get good marks. I was never intending on copying anyones answears.

I really do apreachiate the help ;)


anonymous Sat, 05/24/2003 - 21:29

Actually....Im having a bit of a problem with working out this. The Question is..

Calculate the electrical power required to provide 100 dBSPL at 40 metres using a loudspeaker system that has a sensitivity of 98dB @ 1W @ 1m. Allow 10 dB for headroom.

Which do I use for the, when your working with watts its the 10 log equation. But how do I go about it.

Can someone do an example of this type of question?????

realdynamix Sat, 05/24/2003 - 22:22

Originally posted by Muesli:

Calculate the electrical power required to provide 100 dBSPL at 40 metres using a loudspeaker system that has a sensitivity of 98dB @ 1W @ 1m. Allow 10 dB for headroom.

:) Hey! Remember the inverse square law portion of your text? Should be in your reference.

Hope this helps,

KurtFoster Sun, 05/25/2003 - 14:50

Originally posted by Rick Hammang:

Originally posted by Muesli:

Calculate the electrical power required to provide 100 dBSPL at 40 metres using a loudspeaker system that has a sensitivity of 98dB @ 1W @ 1m. Allow 10 dB for headroom.

:) Hey! Remember the inverse square law portion of your text? Should be in your reference.

Hope this helps,
--Rick Thanks Rick,
These are the kinds of answers he needs. Hope that helps you find the way Museli... Kurt