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Yamaha M7CL

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 12:49

Anyone using this console for live tv production? Anyone using this for anything? I'm looking for opinions and/or insight to this console.


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Yamaha M7CL Digital Console is best with Live Sound Reinforcement.. but just in case you need it for video application you might as well consider using our MY - Cards. one example to this is MY8-SDI-D. You can connect this to your Camcorders. You can check it out at

Hoping you'll enjoy using this console. its one of our best consoles!



Fri, 12/04/2009 - 05:14 Permalink
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MEH! The E.Q's are very average, not musical at all, the navigation is is not intuitive, making fast changes to parameters is, as always with digital consoles, painfully slow, and they don't handle getting dusty at outdoor events. I've always liked Yamaha analog consoles, and the PM5D is not bad, but the M7CL aint ever going to make it onto my preffered gear list. I just had a nightmare experience being lumped with an LS9 at a festival, it was totally inappropriate for the task, and after day 1, I went home and grabbed my trusty old Behringer MX9000, which outperformed the LS9 by a country mile. Price and brand names aint what cuts it in the live sound business, results are what count.

Mon, 01/25/2010 - 17:02 Permalink