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Studio Fantastico

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Submitted by epting on

Hey everybody I thought that I would finally share some of the work that I have been doing on a home studio in Winston Salem, NC of the past couple of years. I will say that the process has been quite the learning experience. This has been a labor of love and I hope that I will have the opportunity to do this again one day. I would like to say thanks to Mad Max for his advice along the way. I'm not done yet but it's getting closer and closer to being up and running. I figure at this rate I will be totally finished by May of 3097.:) Here is a http://mbepting.wix…"]link [/]="http://mbepting.wix…"]link [/]to my website with pictures to check out. I am at the point now where I am about to pull the patchbay. What a long journey it has been. I have personally done all of the work on this studio. Nothing was subbed out except the patchbayconstruction. I would love to hear any feedback. I have learned a great deal about studio construction, but I still have a lot to learn. I don't think you can ever gain too much knowledge.


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Pro Tools

Congrats Michael!

Looks like yer' finally at the end of the tunnel!

Lemme know when you're done!! Wanna come check the new digs!

epting, post: 421081, member: 45328 wrote: We are using a standard TT bay designed and built by Scott Hasson at He did a great job. We will have to solder the plates on once we pull it through so that will put my soldering skills to the test. I have been practicing up a bit lately to get ready for the challenge.

I found a halogen lamp to be of great help... that and decaf... :LOL:

Sun, 11/16/2014 - 16:34 Permalink