Hi! i am trying to use the WavesH delay on a couple single lyric words in pro tools, i have the half bar delay on a bus track and am feeding the audio into the aux by automation but when i feed in the audio for the one word i want delayed, it has all the previous lyrics also flooding in. is there a way to only activate the h delay plugin when i tell it to? how can i just have the single word be delayed? thank you
If you're automating the vocal track's aux send level and the au
If you're automating the vocal track's aux send level and the aux track has the delay effect on it, it should work as you intend. Are you automating send level or send mute? The mute automation passes signal when the line is at the bottom and muted when the line is at the top, sort of opposite of how send level automation functions.
max wilson, post: 459526, member: 51420 wrote: Hi! i am trying t
It seems like you are automating the output of the delay.
The best way is to automate the track send to the buss or the input level of the delay.
If this has to be surgical, maybe a less conventional approach w
If this has to be surgical, maybe a less conventional approach would be better.
Perhaps clone the vocal track and remove everything except the word(s) you want in the delay. Apply the delay to that new track and mix the effect 100% wet and you should be in the ballpark of where you want to be. You would have ultimate control of balancing the effect and any volume manipulation you want to get the desired result.
Good luck.
dvdhawk, post: 459531, member: 36047 wrote: If this has to be su
I've used the automation in Pro Tools quite a bit to get the result the OP is aiming for. It's just as precise as copying the track.
Yes, of course you can.
Yes, of course you can.