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How to avoid strong vocal's "Sss" & "Shhh

Submitted by ray1018 on Mon, 12/28/2009 - 19:24


I'm wondering whether Mic Position will help to avoid the Strong "Sss" & "Shhh" while recording instead of using D-Ser?


If you are worried about sibilance only a "De-Esser" will do the job properly. This is probably because you are using a condenser microphone. If on the other hand you choose to use a Shure SM58, you'll probably do better, get better, like it better. Shhh don't tell anybody my secret.

If you get 2 58's then you would have a SM 116
Mx. Remy Ann David

Mon, 12/28/2009 - 21:20 Permalink

Wow..awesome..I'll fall in love with,do u mean that Dynamic will do well for Studio Recording even without a piece of Condenser Studio Mic?

Again for ensure..Condenser Mic wil giving us the "Ssss" & " Shhh" Sibilance tone?!

For the case above u'll suggest me to use Dynamic Mic for my Strong Sibilance Vocalist?!

Thanks & really appreciate! :D

Tue, 12/29/2009 - 00:58 Permalink

A poorly used condenser (i.e. if you get too close to it) will give you sibilance. So will a dynamic mic if you get close to it, but condensers pick up sibilance a lot stronger.

Also, with a dynamic, you can usually back off a little more (reducing sibilance problems) without introducing so much of the room noise; which is another plus point over a condenser.

You could also try tilting the mic to point away from the singer, but you might lose some of the tone this way.

Tue, 12/29/2009 - 10:13 Permalink

The best de-esser I know of is the Gain plug-in in Pro Tools, selecting every S and pulling them down manually.

I have yet to (personally) find a De-Esser that does not also compress the voice (and color the sound somewhat).

Although, the best de-esser of all, is to get the singer to NOT emphasize Ss and CHs in the first place. An experienced vocalist knows all about sibilance and won't give you any if you're dead on a mic.

Mon, 04/26/2010 - 16:13 Permalink

Nononono...Many singers simply can't do that...and get insecure....end of session...
Using dynamic mikes is doctoring on the symptoms and sound never as good as a properly used VM1 or U87 ( some exotic styles excluded).
One handy hint: just produce a sharp sszszsz and have your hand 5 inches in front of your eyes , then slowly lower the hand and hear that the sharp szszss are stronger
audible when the hand reaches the lower chin. That is the direction where the upper incisors reflects them to.
Just install the mic somewhat higer in front of the mouth, maybe slightly tilted backwards...that also helps the singer to breath more freely....
Hey, and see to it that he knows his texts by heart. Otherwise he'll move the head to read the lines on the music stand and you have to deal with phasing, etc., ....

Fri, 04/30/2010 - 13:51 Permalink

My experience

Certain condenser microphones seem to emphasize sibilance while others don't. For instance I have an AKG c3000 that picks up too much sibilance for my voice while my USA CAD E100's does not emphasize sibilance at all. My CAD Trion 8000 (tube) seems to match my voice about as well as anything this side of a U47. I've been told, although I don't own one, that a Shure SM7b (dynamic) or an EV RE20, is a really good match for a singer with too much sybilance. So it comes down to matching the singer with the proper mic. Another thing is with compression. Too fast a release can emphasize sibilance too. If you notice an increase in sibilance when you compress, try a slower release.

Wed, 06/09/2010 - 13:31 Permalink