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live vocal processing HELP

Submitted by ken_holz on Fri, 03/25/2011 - 18:43

Hello, Just wondering if anyone knows what might be used on this live performance vocal.…"]YouTube - Avril Lavigne - "What The Hell" Live on Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve lyrics[/]="…"]YouTube - Avril Lavigne - "What The Hell" Live on Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve lyrics[/]
There is definetly a lot of processing going on. What equipment would give you similar results?


Nothing really special:
Delay, reverb, chorus, compression and a number of voices singing unisono ( quadrupled, rather than doubled lol..) + choir.
Maybe some minute pitchshift up&down on the doubled voices for fattening, perhaps (or shall I say most likely) Melodyne ....
Basically, anything that makes a thinly voice bigger and gives it the power to be heard in a dense mix.

Sorry, I didn't see...
Welcome to our Recording Forum, Ken!!

Sat, 03/26/2011 - 07:55 Permalink

Yeah Shes singing with the backing tracks Theres at LEAST three more of her as well as the backing vocals and the LIVE backing vocals. Also theres a crap=load of backing instumental tracks. She is doing a really good job of it however as this isnt as easy as it looks. Real trainwrecks happen when they CANT perform their songs to some degree.

Mon, 03/28/2011 - 22:34 Permalink