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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/15/2004 - 21:54

On the last APC album does nayone know what the vocal chain looked like? The reason I ask I have a band coming in in two weeks that is very influenced by Tool and APC they asked me to get the vocal sound Maynard had on Nurse for one of their songs.
I could use a hand here guys. 8)



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Here's an interesting one I just found...

You should note that they most likely use different mics and such for their recordings.

You can find some others on that site ( I know that for the latest Tool CD they supposadly recorded the vocals using protools, and that the first APC was also protools - not that that really says much though. Good luck.

Fri, 07/16/2004 - 08:07 Permalink
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Maynard has very distinct vocal characteristics. He changes his timbre a lot between songs, distinctly heared on any Tool album.

A good clean mic with a clean mic pre should work. But you might want to experiment with a few colored pres.

Do remember, during the Opiate and Undertow days the vocals were recorded fairly clean with compression, slight reverb, and some eq. Delay effects used occasionally for effect.

Aenima and Lateralus had heavy use of effects. Quite often killer eq to just leave the mid range, or tube distortion for that low fi effect. Chorus, Reverb, Delay all used a fair bit. Some reverse delay on Reflection. Used that megophone as well for Eulogy.

Good Luck. David Bottril is an exception producer, hard to compete with.

Thu, 07/22/2004 - 13:00 Permalink