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Which plugin compressor would you recommend for vocals?

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Submitted by ouzo77 on


i'd like some opinions on a few plugin compressors for vocal tracks.

usually i use the Waves Renaissance vox for the main vocal tracks because it really brings the voice forward. but it tends to get a bit harsh when pushed hard (which i like to do).

so which one(s) of the following plugins would you recommend for punchy but smooth vocals (mainly male rock vocals)? since i do own all of these i will try them myself when i find the time to. anyway i'd like to know some opinions of you.

Waves Renaissance vox

Waves Renaissance compressor

logic compressor

t-racks 3 opto compressor

t-racks 3 vintage compressor

line6 pod farm compressors

if you have any other AFFORDABLE suggestions (no dsp plugins) please feel free to post them.



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wooo hooo my first post... You could try using a multi-band comp, for example the waves C4, before the R Vox. Or what I do often is chain two R comp's together. On the first comp with fast attack and release and a high threshold and tad bit higher ratio(4:1). On the second a moderate attack and release and lower threshold and ratio(2.50:1).The first compressor will only kick in on the peaks and that will leave the second comp to do the main processing.

Thu, 01/14/2010 - 06:41 Permalink
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The R Compressor is cool... I believe it is modeled after the dbx 160 and emulates the sound of the transformer being pushed hard when you crank the output gain. Thus that little light that changes color. I use to use the SSL Compressor all the time before I got my LA-610mkII. It might be outside of your budget but it's worth saving for. The SSL bundle is awesome. The UAD plug-ins are also really good and then you could have some plug-ins of classic compressors.

But as electricbunnyman said serial compression should work well for you.

Mon, 02/01/2010 - 12:32 Permalink
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A few of my favorite compressors (ignoring windows-only plugs, seeing as you mentioned Logic)

[=""]Voxengo Crunchessor[/]="http://www.voxengo…"]Voxengo Crunchessor[/] : an excellent general purpose comp with lots of great colouring / saturation options.

[[url=http://="http://www.stillwel…"]Stillwell's Rocket[/]="http://www.stillwel…"]Stillwell's Rocket[/] : very fast and aggressive comp. Love it on drums, and vocals that need strict discipline.

[=""]FabFilter Pro-C[/]="http://www.fabfilte…"]FabFilter Pro-C[/] : I only discovered this recently when I was hired to make a [[url=http://="…"]tutorial[/]="…"]tutorial[/] but it immediately became one of my favorites.

All very reasonably priced IMO, but the first two are particularly good value at only $50 approx.

Thu, 02/04/2010 - 01:32 Permalink
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when i was at NAMM i met Mr. Kramer and witnessed his waves demo, along with JJP and CLA. i found the EK bundle to be the coolest, the others were to over the top.


when you say anything that mimics the LA-2A, what would those be, there are too many LA2A things out there and the only one that works is the UAD version, do you concur

Sat, 04/24/2010 - 08:46 Permalink