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for those looking for a G5, I went to where they list the prices and places, and they just happen to have a dual 2.0 G5 listed for macmall (with an sku number) for $1619. I called and sure enough, the bait was there- last one they said- i did not get enticed with any extras and I picked that puppy right up- can't wait till its delivered- They claI'm it is free shipping with mail in rebate and they sticked me up for $62 for that- believe me, I'm getting it right back :D

with the model changes this is usually the time to pick up a new mac but have you seen the prices in most apple stores? there is only like $100 difference between the dual 2.0 G5 and the 'new model' 2.0 G5- keep your eyes opened though- bargains are out there if you look- :D
