Apogee Electronics announces Symphony 64
Apogee Electronics announces Symphony 64 | ThunderBridge - 64 channel Thunderbolt™ interface for Symphony I/O, Rosetta Series, and X-Series converters shipping February 2013
Apogee Electronics announces Symphony 64 | ThunderBridge - 64 channel Thunderbolt™ interface for Symphony I/O, Rosetta Series, and X-Series converters shipping February 2013
looks like there will be no need to buy the real thing, its a plugin now! And it looks real too!
—Developed by UAD Direct Development Partner Brainworx, Shadow Hills Plug-In Offers Authentic Emulation of Highly Revered Hardware Mastering Compressor —
Unit Audio Announces the “New Unit” 16 x 2 Analog Summing Mixer
8Dio has announced http://8dio.com/?bt… Free Radicals, which is described as a brand new library concept - and they invite YOU to be a part of it.
Hey folks!
After much a-do, the Partscaster I started in 2003 is now finished. It's been from around the world and through 3 separate moves, but I finally finished it. All that remains is a headstock logo, but I will get around to that when I finalize the design. It also uses 2 string trees, not pictured.
http://general-sequencer.propellerhead.en. SPAM
I'm excited :P
What would you guys say the best way to master over a vocal track to make them kind of have the same sound and depth as those guys with the over dramatic sounds.
Here's an example of what I'm hoping I can get it pretty close to.
Can we get an announcement posted somewhere that says the following.
1. Before posting a question use the search function to find similar postings.
2. There is no substitute for experience and for the proper equipment to get the job done.
Philips Announces Pro Tools DSD Plug-In & SACD Creation Tools
hey, check this cool info:
Philips Announces Pro Tools DSD Plug-In & SACD Creation Tools
Steinberg have announced Wavelab 5, now offering full multi-channel surround support and DVD Audio mastering and authoring, WaveLab 5 will ship to Steinberg resellers from 19th April, 2004, and will cost €699.00 EUR.