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Arguably the coolest and most unique device in the Empirical Labs arsenal, the FATSO (Full Analog Tape Simulator and Optimizer) is a digitally controlled analog device that gives musicians and engineers easy access to many of the desirable characteristics exhibited by older tube and Class A electronics and magnetic tape mediums. This two channel audio processor musically integrates frequencies and transients, increasing the apparent volume while keeping tight control over peak levels.

FATSO (Full Analog Tape Simulator and Optimizer)

FATSO...or what?

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Submitted by Todd Farone on

There just hasn't been enough said about this machine...lately. Now that you've had the FATSO for a while...what do you think of it now? Do any of the Analog Channel type pluginscompare? If you had a FATSO, would you still want the plugins Basically, any thoughts on this piece would be helpful, I'm considering buying four.


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Submitted by MMazurek on

Mine will arrive in the next few days.

Fletcher, gimme some starting ideas to try out.

What are some 'fantastic' things you've done around a drum set with it? (in combination with a few distressors)

Any favorite settings yet? ...on OH, drum bus, other bus, Gtrs, other instruments.