
By timshel, Wed, 11/07/2012 - 10:49

Hola Folks,

My brain has been melted while looking for a new audio interface or some way to augment my current set-up.

I am running an Apogee Ensemble at the moment and the 8 channel I/O is no longer enough for what I am doing. My profile is up to date if you'd like more information.

By bobbo, Wed, 09/12/2012 - 10:37

I had my heart set on a MOTU 2408 mkii to exactly what I need. Come to find out the firewire looking output wasn't a firewire output. So now my hunt is on to find just a straight 24in/out optical interface that sends the signal via firewire. I don't want to combine many units together to give me 24in/out, I don't need extra bells and whistles on it, since nothing else will be used.

By boxcar, Tue, 10/26/2010 - 09:33

I've done a lot of serches on this but i still don't get it.
I have a zed r16 with 16 chanels of ADAT in/out and a Tascam CD-RW2000 CD recorder with digital in.
Tha connectors are the same(toslink cable).
Im trying to send 2 master tracks from the zed to the Tascam to record a mix digitally but no luck getting a signal on the Tascam so far.